bettysoo's ramblings

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Will Not Speed

Or whatever reason, this text didn't post to my blog. So I'm trying
again as a separate post...

Re: not speeding - Okay I probably won't keep that promise. But
defensive driving took a lifetime, and I don't ever want to do that
again. So I guess the deterrent of massive expense and time lost in
the long working.

Police and courts are apparently pretty smart.

And I have a lead foot, so I'm apparently pretty dumb.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Will Not Speed

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Friday, May 8, 2009

Breakfast Song

Those of you who know me know that I love to eat breakfast. I love to eat big, big, hearty, savory, dinner-like breakfasts. So I don't know if the message of this video should bring people hope or deep depression about the afterlife.

No mo beef stew? No mo pork chops? No mo sugar & rice? At least he didn't say no more pickled chili curry. Because I will still want to eat that for breakfast in heaven.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Empty Bowls

This afternoon, I went to ClayWays to make some bowls for the Empty Bowl Project - which is always the Sunday before Thanksgiving here in Austin, held last year and this fall (its 13th year!) at the Mexican American Cultural Center on River Street downtown.

No, they didn't put me in front of a wheel - they're way too smart for that. But I did make some pretty cute bowls to raise some money for the Capital Area Food Bank. And they sent me home with this 25 pound hunk of clay - to make more at home! Yippeee! I will be posting pictures of the bowls as they are formed.

I can't wait. Only 198 days to go. And I'll be performing there at some point in the afternoon, so be sure to swing by, pick a bowl, pick a soup, and listen to great local music. And by great, I mean me. Just kidding, folks, KIDDING...gosh!

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